April 2024

Productivity can be a scary word, evoking overwhelming feelings of insecurity for many people. And, yet, it’s fair to say we all seek productivity in work or life – or both. Life is busy, we have to be productive, right?

With Workflows by Ronna, I can ease the pain you might feel around productivity. Even if you can’t necessarily find joy in creating processes and checking off tasks (like I do!), you’ll find it all more manageable, not as grinding. Paced.

A custom Workflow will pace your to-dos and remove the sense of urgency we often feel when taking on a project or ongoing tasks. Not everything needs to be done at once. A Workflow will tell you when it’s time to get productive!

And when it comes to timing, there’s another tip I want to share to help boost productivity and make it a more positive experience:

Think about when you feel or perform your best.

Are you a morning person? Do you best conquer your challenges after dark? It’s important to be reflective on this and carve out appropriate time blocks each day. Block your time for best results – set yourself up for success by understanding how and when you function and think best.

Ask my family and they’ll confirm – I’m not especially powerful at the end of the day. People who know me well know not to ask me to think after 4:30pm!

So, for me, I fold laundry at night, I do social media in the morning. Social media strategy demands me at my sharpest because it takes everything I’ve got. And I’ve got the most in the morning, especially since I practice and preach planning for the next day today. When I sit down at my desk in the morning, I’ve got a task list planned and my productivity skyrockets because I know where to start. I can dive right in and take on the hardest tasks first when I’m at my peak performance.

I realize that not everyone gets excited about productivity like I do. And while I don’t expect you to be as enthusiastic about it as me, it is my goal to make sure you don’t get turned off by productivity.

Also, I have to tell you about something that happened last month!  I was at a networking event a few days before my son’s Bar Mitzvah. An event planner there told me she was surprised to see me given my event was in days.

I blushed, batted my eyelashes and told her I was all good – because of my Workflow.

- Ronna

My Favorite Things 

Sometimes you really don’t know how much you’ll love something until you have it. For me, that’s Bailey!

I’ve always loved dogs but didn’t know that I would love having a dog. Certainly dogs don’t cooperate that well with organizational systems, timing and life’s already hectic schedule. Bailey may add to-dos to my life, but she makes up for that in so many other ways by giving all of us unconditional love, lots of snuggles and so much cuteness.

Recently, I discovered an online test by one of my favorite gurus Gretchen Rubin that evaluated how I’m using my senses. After a few short minutes, I learned that my most neglected sense is touch. An excuse to pet Bailey more? OK!

Check out the quiz: it’s so interesting to see where you may be lacking stimulation. You can find it here.

My fabulous women’s networking group

What I’m Thinking About

Daily I’m thinking about and in awe of… badass female entrepreneurs.

I’m starting to humbly consider myself part of this incredible community. I could not be more grateful as it inspires me, makes me proud and keeps me emotionally grounded knowing that I can be a badass female entrepreneur, too. My community has, and will, support me!

Many of us have or once had other careers. Many of us find ourselves in new family dynamics, whether that’s with our partners or our children. I recognize that my kids are growing up fast! They don’t demand as much of my time and attention, though still ample energy, worry and love, of course.

Women all around me are starting businesses that are important, helpful, valuable and inspiring. My foray into entrepreneurship introduced me to one of the most badass female entrepreneurs/accidental activists I know, and she’s working tirelessly to bolster all the rest of us by sharing her knowledge, creating networking opportunities and providing so much knowledge via social media and her podcast Dear FoundHer.

Lindsay Pinchuk, you’re a force, and I’m definitely thinking about you and your knowledge every day.

Please join me at her Dear FoundHer…Live or Virtual networking events. I’ve been to every single one, and they’re invaluable if you’re a female entrepreneur. Email me if you’d like to walk in with me at the next one.

Are you ready to explore how Workflows will change your work and life? 

Contact me at ronna@workflowsbyronna.com!


May 2024


March 2024