Hi, I’m Ronna.

I’m Ronna Belinky, and I’m always organized. Yep, it may be hard to believe, but in work and life, I’ve got systems of organization that keep me happy, healthy and productive. I don’t impose my systems on friends and loved ones, but I have been credited with keeping traditions alive through scheduling, with regularly having dinner plans and kids’ plans on the books, and with being a highly efficient and successful employee.

I’ve always got lists (bullet journal!) and systems in place so that work obligations get accomplished, and there is time for life’s pleasures.

We’re all good at different things, right? Don’t ask me to pick out a new couch or to bake for your party. But definitely ask me to help you schedule your home renovation timeline or plan your party to-do list and deadlines. 

When I started my professional career in television sitcom production, it seemed that with each production, we had to reinvent the wheel, and who has time for that? And though work made me laugh (remember Will & Grace?), I was stressed out by all of my to-do’s, so I built a custom workflow, which is a smart, user-friendly, deadline-oriented, automated to-do list.

When my career evolved from television production to the nonprofit sector, my approach to workflows was even more important as nonprofit environments must be focused on efficiency to maximize often-limited resources.

Throughout my career, custom workflows have helped me and my co-workers to work smarter, not harder; to break down overwhelming projects into digestible pieces; to be as efficient as possible.

In my workplace, this means more time and energy for making the world a better place. In my home life, this means lifecycle events are planned with ease, occasions and events don’t get forgotten, and my time is freed up for family and hobbies.

Speaking of, that valuable time is spent with my husband and two children in and around Buffalo Grove, Illinois. When I’m not working at Northwestern University’s Hillel, you’re likely to find me doing stand up paddleboard yoga, paying some attention to University of Wisconsin sports (Go, Badgers!) and cuddling with my pup, Bailey.

Systems of organization are a key part to positive mental health. Let me help you get your projects flowing with a custom-crafted workflow tool – with me coaching and supporting you throughout the process!

Who I help

  • Nonprofit Professionals

    This is a special space for Ronna, as she’s worked decades in Development and Operations for nonprofits. Ronna knows what you need, she understands how to maximize efficiencies, and she wants to help with continuity as people change roles and executive teams work to attract, develop and retain top talent.

    Workflows by Ronna already has proven its value, with Workflows created to free up more time and resources to raise money, steward donors, and to train and grow productive teams.

  • Small Businesses

    If you’re a small business, Workflows by Ronna can help provide the framework to grow. Ronna understands that building efficiencies and processes that will last for you and your goals is imperative for long-term success.

    Workflows by Ronna will provide a customized tool and the flexibility to adjust it as your business grows and demands change. A Workflow also will establish a framework for success in any recurring projects or events at the heart of your business. Small businesses have big tasks. A Workflow will provide a pace and accountability tool.

  • Individuals

    Ronna wants to help you organize your life! Yes, that’s true – Workflows by Ronna will put order in your life, projects or events. Individuals can use a Workflow to manage planning for lifecycle events, B’nai Mitzvah, weddings, and other special events.

    Also available are life Workflows – keep birthdays, occasions, school events, gift-buying occasions, etc. in an organized space that can be updated annually with the click of a button. The Workflow will tell you when and how to accomplish most of life’s time-consuming, regular tasks!