September 2024

I recently told you I would help make your 2025 the most productive year yet, and I meant it. I gave you early access and invited you to my first Notebooks with Ronna workshop on December 8th.

Now, let me elaborate on why I’m doing this and why you need it.

When I had young children, I was frazzled. A lot. In a world that was filled with so much I could not control, I needed to create a system of organization that I had complete control over, one that would minimize stress and help me anticipate my many to-dos. Being a parent felt chaotic enough. I had to simplify what I could.

As I started to write down everything I needed to do for me and my family, it became clear that my tasks were repeatable. The same things that required the same to-dos happened every month of every year.

So in 2015, I created a documented system that organized my tasks by month and by week for one full year. The Notebooks with Ronna system was born, and it changed my life. I’ve been using it ever since.

Year after year, I only have to make minor tweaks to create the next year’s Notebook. The one from the year before serves as a template. No overthinking, no wasting time. I’ve never liked to waste time!

Now, after years of creating Notebooks, I’m ready to teach you this life-changing system. I want you to create a Notebook of your own!

The process to create and use the Notebook illustrates key values of my productivity strategy: Get things out of your mind! Write them down in a centralized location and clear the brain bandwidth.

I’ll tell you more about this in weeks and months to come, but for now, I’ll ask you again to do something good for yourself that will bring you some calm.

It’s easy: Register HERE for the inaugural Notebooks with Ronna workshop.

I’m so excited about this. I know it may make you nervous or excited – hopefully a combination of both. Please know this is a no-judgment zone where we’ll work together to make 2025 the most stress-free year yet.

- Ronna

My Favorite Things 

Some of the favorite things I’ve shared in this space are office supplies and tools to supplement the productivity processes I share with you and my clients. If you’ve been here a while and explored my social media, it’s likely clear that I’m living a hybrid life that brings together digital and pen-and-paper tools.

(If you haven’t joined me on social media, what are you waiting for? I have a lot to say on Instagram and Facebook. )

So this month’s favorite thing isn’t something you can buy, but it’s definitely something that has a lot of value. It’s a list.

Yep, lists are my favorite things this month (and always). They are so good for me.

  • They get things out of my brain and onto paper. 

  • They allow me to use my customized digital tools AND my very aesthetic colored-pen and highlighter collection. 

  • They are the foundation to one of my principles: Make a list and a plan, then set aside the time to get things done! 

They’re good for my mental health. One of my favorite experts David Allen says: “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”  A list clears my mind, creating a sense of calm I can feel and recognize.

I’ve learned that not all lists are created equal, and not everyone’s will look and feel the same. In my productivity consulting, we drill down to what works best for you. What your lists will look and feel like, and how they’ll help you operate.

And, more often than not, I have a proven process to teach you.

Here’s another chance for me to encourage you to join me at the Notebooks with Ronna workshop this December. I’m betting that you’ll leave there loving lists a little more, maybe even feeling like they’re a favorite thing for you, too!

Register HERE for the inaugural Notebooks with Ronna workshop.

What I’m Thinking About

Whenever I meet a new client, I ask: “What’s your biggest pain point?”

Right away, I want to dig deep and figure out our goals, then the processes that will help us accomplish them.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how it is so easy to get excited about a tool (I do love my tools!), but it's the process that matters before we can even consider the right tool.

I’ve noted another favorite expert of mine before, and again he captures the concept. On an episode of his podcast Deep Questions with Cal Newport, he says, “An app is not a substitute for a process.”

Once we discuss what your biggest pain point is, then we can create a customized process for you. After that, we identify the best tool.

It might be an app, Workflow, planner, list or any combination of these tools.

Not one size fits all or everyone. And that's where I come in.

There’s one more thing I’m thinking about. On October 15th, I’m collaborating with FOUR industry experts on marketing, branding, photography, and productivity. It’s the support you need to boost your visibility and take your business to the next level. 

Take a look at “Business Boost” and join me for this power-packed workshop.

Register here.

Are you ready to explore how Workflows will change your work and life? 

Contact me at!


August 2024