June 2024

I’m my own client. Sure, that may sound odd, but let me explain.

First, you should know by now that I thrive on consuming information, on learning new things in many aspects of my life. So, while I’m definitely a successful and reliable Workflow and productivity consultant, I’m also incredibly candid with you when I say I’m still learning. I’m always seeking the next big tip and tool to make me (and all of you!) happier through even more productivity and efficiency.

Second, when I look at myself as a client, I push myself to get introspective. By that I mean that I have to take a hard look at myself, my habits and my processes, just like I ask you to when we start working together. Productivity is all about working best for you and how you function. That means we have to figure it out and tweak our approaches to work and projects accordingly.

When you’re my client, I’ll work hand-in-hand with you to assess your current state of productivity and find opportunities. No surprise, I have a process with a number of steps to help you and me explore what you need to be productive and sustainable – with no burnout! All of the efforts you’re making to improve productivity in work and life are an exercise in futility if you don’t listen to yourself.

I want to work with you to set up Workflows, processes and procedures for yourself and your team (if you have one). And yet, I leave you with this: If you do nothing else on your individual productivity journey, listen to yourself. (After listening to me, of course!)

- Ronna

One of my favorite quotes

My Favorite Things 

For me, this means that the stressing takes longer and often takes more energy than just doing whatever it is that’s got you in a tizzy.

If you have a strategy and tools to tackle a day or a project, you don’t have to think so hard about it. And you definitely don’t have to stew – and stress.

To avoid the stewing and the stressing, I have a tip. For me, it’s critical.

I organize my to-dos and my planner with detail and placeholders. If it’s planned and thought out – and scheduled for a certain day – my brain knows there’s a time and a place for it. No need to think, stew or stress because I know it will get done.

What I’m Thinking About

It’s mid-June. To me that means summer really is here, and we just celebrated the dads in our lives – my husband and my dad are tied for #1 fan of Ronna Belinky!

Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are an awesome dad, know one or love one.

None of us can take on new challenges, new businesses, and especially entrepreneurship, without strong support systems. We can’t even take the time to assess ourselves honestly without great people encouraging us and helping give us the confidence to do so.

So, that’s something I’ve been thinking about: Our support systems definitely don’t even have to be men, but with Father’s Day this month, it feels right to shout out to the supportive men out there. Dads, husbands, siblings, uncles, cousins, friends – if you’ve got ‘em, thank ‘em.

Are you ready to explore how Workflows will change your work and life? 

Contact me at ronna@workflowsbyronna.com!


July 2024


May 2024